Category: How To Attract Women

Ten Seconds To Seduction…?

Hey, I’ve got a special bonus for you… It’s a quick – and fascinating – interview with my good friend Brad P. who I had the pleasure of sitting down with to talk about...

The Atrocity of Feminist Men…

QUESTION FROM A READER My teacher said the other day that women were superior to men because back in the Caveman days the women were”‘worshiped as gods” and the men were slaves for the...

Do Guys Have To Do ALL The Work?

QUESTION FROM A READER: Why is it always on the guy to do all the work? Can’t women take some responsibility? – Drew G., Indianapolis ______________________ CARLOS XUMA ANSWERS: Drew, here’s the deal… I...

Marriage is insane…?

If I were to ask you: What is the most important event in a woman’s life? What would you say? Well, I think there are actually TWO important events. #1 is her Wedding Day....