Why Getting Rejected is Awesome

Lather, rinse, repeat. Sooner or later, a handful of them are going to say “yes” to their sales pitch.

They’re not going to put all their hopes and dreams of wealth into one prospect. If they don’t close the sale with one person, they can shrug it off and move on to other promising opportunities.

Above all, they don’t let rejection shake their inner reality.

Instead, they choose to take apart their screw-ups, figure out what they did wrong and use that knowledge for future clients.


Some will flake out or give them crap, but they’re perfectly fine with that.

What I’m getting at is that you can’t afford to stop trying if you really want women to go out with you. Sure, getting rejected can be a kick to the crotch IF you choose to take it personally.

But the path to that “yes” is paved with rejection, so treat your mistakes as a badge of honor.

Chances are you’re not going to marry the next girl you’ll approach. But who cares?

You are not a flawless creature. But neither is anyone else.

When you give up the need to be perfect, you’ll open yourself to a whole world of possibilities that won’t come crumbling down when a random girl gives you the cold shoulder.

I’m not gonna lie, the immediate feeling after getting rejected is anything but awesome.

But taking it in stride and learning from it will yield AWESOME benefits.


However, handling rejection like a man is only one part of the picture. If you want to improve your yes/no ratio, you need to increase your masculine power to higher levels.

Some guys actually LOSE their testosterone as they get older, and it physically affects their ability to attract women. It’s called T-Bleed, but the good news is that I can show you how to keep this from ever happening to you.

Once you’ve gotten this sorted out, you won’t even have to worry about rejection at all. Check this out.

Stay Alpha…
– Carlos Xuma

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