Flirting With Women

If you’ve ever taken away some things you’ve learned in the art of attraction, one of them should definitely have been the skill and understanding of making a girl comfortable around you. AND the art of flirting with women.

Whether you are in a committed relationship or have no clue how to muster up the confidence to walk up to a girl and talk to her, flirting with women is your absolute best friend in this thing.

Flirting is something we do from day one on the playground – we just don’t realize it until our testes get tingly and girls start to look different to us than they did when we pinched them and made references to the many cooties they carry.

This is where comfort comes in. In order for you to have the abilities to make your (or any) lady feel comfortable around you, you have to first be comfortable with yourself. And guess what? That means stepping outside of your so-called “comfort zone.”

But now you may ask, “How the hell can I be comfortable with myself if I have to step outside of what I know and am comfortable with?” Well, once you “get it,” it becomes a whole helluva lot easier, my friend.

Believe me. I was once at a point in my life where I had no self-esteem and was confused as all hell when it came to understanding women. It was sort of a train wreck. And then I got angry; angry in a way that I knew what I wanted and I was going to do whatever it took to change my life.

So, do you want to make some positive changes? Of course you do!

Let’s explore this thing and get you started.

First thing’s first… And make sure you absorb these words…

You need to stop giving a f@&!

You only get one shot at life. If you go through it too cautiously and care too much about what other people will think about you, you’re going to miss out on a lot of things.

So, when I say stop caring when it comes to flirting and your comfort level, I mean you shouldn’t be so worried about WHAT it is you’re saying. When you approach women, thinking too deeply into it will only leave you fumbling more, and will only leave her striking you from her list of potential suitors.

I’m going to give you two of my favorite tips, right now, when it comes to flirting and you can start using these as soon as you possibly can…

Ready? Check it out.

The absolute easiest way to flirt – If you’re like me, you like using your resources. Why does flirting have to stop? Ever? One of Carlos’ main flirting tips is to Always Be Flirting (ABF).

I found the easiest way to flirt is through text messaging. Of course you’re going to need to have her number and/or develop a relationship with women in person, but when you make yourself available for texting, make sure you slip in at least one solid and refreshing session of flirting.

Why is texting the easiest way for flirting with women? Well, because you have a little more time to think about what you want to say – especially if you’re still hung up on trying to say the right thing. Not only that, but she will be hanging on for your next word and wanting to hear what you’ve got to say even more!

Just for starters, think of some things to say to her that will either A) Make her laugh out loud, or B) Dazzle her confidence in an Alpha way

The absolute best way to flirt with women – Another “technique” that has swept the seduction world by storm is the term “Tease to Please.” As I mentioned before, flirting begins on the playground and never stops in life. And what did we do the most on the playground? We teased girls.

Now, when I say tease, I don’t mean say mean things and make her cry. If you’re doing that, you need to look at yourself before you continue in the dating world.

When I say tease, I mean playful. Joke around with her in a light manner just through your own observations.

If you can harness these two things, you will be on well your way to being successful at flirting with women – and a successful man. Carlos goes into much more detail about this stuff in his programs. I personally recommend The Dating Black Book as your perfect start.

– Joey Mulligan

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