5 Ways To Get A Woman In Bed

Ok, here we are again on a BIG mystery on How to SEDUCE a woman.

If you’re NOT a rich, famous or good looking guy… you probably think you just have a slightest chance to get a woman in bed.

But is that really so?

Attracting a woman is not intuitive, as you know already. You have to use different strategies, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a manipulative jerk.


(Remember these are not rules “written in stone” and you can follow your instinct first. IF your instincts have been honed!)

If you want to CHANGE YOUR LIFE for the better, here are some basic things you have to consider

Ways To Get A Woman In Bed #1: Learn how to LISTEN to her

One of the MOST DESIRABLE characteristics that any woman finds attractive in a man is someone who knows how to listen.

If you’re on the phone throughout the whole date, you’ll end the night without even a goodnight kiss! And it’s unlikely you’ll have a chance to see her ever again.

Women love to talk… a lot! They love guys who can hold a conversation… so KEEP YOUR FOCUS and show a genuine interest in her. But that doesn’t mean you need to get caught up in the emotional crap. Just keep a healthy perspective.

Doesn’t even matter whether the conversation is deep or superficial. Just show her you’re enjoying her company and you’re having an AMAZING time.


AND that you’d be having an amazing time on your own even if she wasn’t there. That’s something that makes a woman pay attention to you as a powerful masculine force. Not distant! Just capable of being happy all on your own.

By doing this, you’ll have that instant CONNECTION and that’s all you need to have her.

Ways To Get A Woman In Bed #2: Demonstrate Self-confidence

Lack of self-confidence is unattractive… it is a sign of insecurity, which she’ll find NOT SEXY on any man.

Look, the whole confidence thing is a bit of a game, and it’s not what most guys think it is. You don’t have to be Mr. Macho Braveheart to get her attention. Just don’t act needy!

Control your ego no matter how successful you are. Any woman doesn’t like it when you’re boastful about how good you are in whatever you do. Just show genuine interest in her.

Don’t pretend to be someone you are not… she’ll find out sooner or later and that will ruin any chances you have with her.


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