Why You Can Attract Women without a Ripped Physique

You could also try having a mock conversation with the other person so you can work on improving the quality of your voice on the fly.

But if that’s not possible, you can always use a webcam instead (and a good mic if you can) to make a video of yourself while talking. It might be a bit awkward watching yourself, but it’s a good way to find out how you sound to other people.

Remember when I mentioned public speakers earlier? Compare your style to that of motivational coaches or stand-up comics.

Those guys get paid to talk to large groups of people, so you can learn a lot from their vocal quality.

A little self-awareness never hurt anyone. The more you learn about yourself, the better chance you’ll have when talking to women.


#3: Get Physical With Her

Warning: I don’t mean making a pass at her or any inappropriate behavior. It’s more about using your own physicality to appeal to a girl’s subconscious with the right body movements.

Women will perceive you as a high value guy by gesticulating in a way that reflects your cool, collected attitude. Again, you may not be feeling up to it inside, but you can “fake it ‘til you make it”. You just have to practice subtle physical motions to suggest your alpha maleness in an implicit way.

When it comes to good body language, think of operative words like BIG and OPEN. Do your homework and check out videos of professional speakers to get a good idea of how they move with their arms and hands.

Remember, acting like you’re embarrassed for just being there is a big turn off. Whether you’re seated or standing, it’s a good idea to spread out a bit to give the impression that you “own” your space.

Don’t cross your arms, stuff your hands in your pockets or anything else that suggests you’re “shrinking”.

If you want to look smart when talking, your hands are great tools to help emphasize any point you’re making. And when she’s the one talking, pay attention with a slight nod or even a light chuckle if she says something funny.


When you think about it, it’s kind of ironic that using your body to be more attractive to women isn’t the same as looking like a male model. You can even the odds by focusing on your voice and movements, regardless of your shape and size.

As long as you pay attention to these often overlooked aspects of alpha male behavior, you’ll do fine without those rippling muscles.

If you want to be a confident guy who attracts women within minutes, check out this proven method and you’ll have women drawn to you in no time:

Stay Alpha…
– Carlos Xuma

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