Confidence With Women

It’s no secret that a lot of a guy’s confidence with women comes from experience. But say you’ve met a woman and you decide you’d like to make a go of it — you’d like to have a relationship and want it to be long-term and a healthy one.

Well, first let me say congratulations on finding a woman that meets your needs and expectations and is ready to take it long-term with you. You’ve accomplished what many men are striving for with their efforts to learn more about the dating world.

But the work is not yet over. To keep your confidence level (and as a result her attraction level) for you at its peak, you need to look at some of the building blocks that keep a relationship fresh and strong. Here are a few ways to build your confidence level and foster the foundation for a successful long-term relationship:

Confidence with Women Building Blocks:

1. Romance. Women need affection and attention. To keep the attraction between you strong and vital, continue some of that behavior you used when you were first courting her. I’m talking about holding her hand, maybe giving her a back rub. You can also say the three words (I love you) every once in a while, but use them sparingly. Instead, show her how you feel. Talk is cheap.

2. Restraint. This means a few things, but let’s start with using restraint to fight against familiarity. Too much of anything is bad, including too much of you. If you want to be in this for the long haul, make sure you remain a challenge for your entire relationship.

Attracting Women Strategies - How to attract a woman
Restraint also means that you are going to get into some arguments because you cannot always meet a woman’s expectations. No man can. There is always work to be done in any relationship. Skirmishes create a dynamic tension. It’s that balance between restraint and romance that shows where your relationship lies.

3. Stay alert. This means you cannot get lazy. As I mentioned in the beginning, finding a girl to go the long haul with does not mean you can sit back and relax. There is still – and always will be – work to be done.

But it is worth it. Stay attentive, aware, and watchful. Consider your relationship your investment. And it truly is, you invest your time, money, emotions, and so forth into it. Realize that nine times out of ten when you notice her interest wane or something going awry, it is because you started taking everything for granted.

4. Avoid common mistakes in long-term relationships and marriages.

  • Don’t mistake lust for love.
  • Be willing to grow and change together.
  • Settling for someone thinking you can’t get any better.
  • Wanting to settle down with a family and children without realizing the seriousness, commitment, sacrifice, and effort involved in this life-long undertaking.

If you truly want to build your  confidence with women and  need to maintain a long-term relationship, make sure you are comfortable in your own skin. Always work on my Three S’s (self-confidence, self-discipline, and a sense of humor). With those under your belt, you will be able to be the best man you can be and put your best effort into any relationship.

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