Tagged: relationships

Marriage is insane…?

If I were to ask you: What is the most important event in a woman’s life? What would you say? Well, I think there are actually TWO important events. #1 is her Wedding Day....

Confidence is complete Bullsh*t

Confidence is complete Bullsh*t Yeah, that’s a pretty brave thing to open up with. But stick with me and I’ll explain how you’ve probably been conned by most of the self-help gurus out there...

Get Your Girlfriend Back

Get Your Girlfriend Back at http://www.attractwomen.com – In this article, Carlos Xuma’s Get Your Girlfriend Back, he will share strategies in getting back with your girlfriend. And take note of the cure for this...

How To Seduce A Woman

In this article, Carlos Xuma’s How To Seduce A Woman, he will share some tips on how to look at ways to use attitude to your advantage. The only way to raise your status...